30 of the Most Successful Video Game Marketing Campaigns Ever
30. Portal 2 (2011)
Portal 2 publishers Valve initially teased a Portal sequel using an alternate reality game (ARG) that launched on March 1, 2010, four days before the real deal’s official announcement. A second, more elaborate ARG titled Potato Sack was released the following year, on April 1. Seemingly, the game bundle allowed players to unlock Portal 2 ahead of its planned April 19 release date – but this unfortunately turned out to be a bad April Fools’ Day joke. Still, Valve’s fresh, community-focused approach helped to build anticipation. Ignoring advertising agencies, Valve also created an in-house television commercial and plastered cities in the U.S. and U.K. with billboards and bus ads. By early May 2012 Portal 2 had shifted over four million copies, excluding sales from Valve’s online Steam network.FEATURED ONLINE PROGRAMS
>Master’s in Marketing Communications
The Marketing Communication master’s concentration prompts you to analyze consumer behavior, conduct market research, and engage the power of brands and messages in order to develop powerful digital marketing strategies. Evaluate various tactics, measure their effectiveness, and explore the intricacies of working with or in complex, multi-functional teams to execute compelling marketing campaigns. You’ll learn to:
- Design, manage, and measure persuasive, integrated, digital marketing communication campaigns
- Assess the current scope and predict future trends in traditional, social, mobile, email, search, and digital marketing
- Measure traditional and digital marketing communication efforts and create plans to adjust future campaigns based on results
- Create strategies to elevate an organization’s or client’s marketing and branding efforts