Portable Purchasing Power: The Mobile Marketing Industry

Portable Purchasing Power: The Mobile Marketing Industry
With more and more purchases being made on mobile devices, many marketers need to focus on their mobile advertising strategies. Let’s take a look at the current state of the mobile marketing industry and where it’s going in 2017.The Current Mobile Marketing Industry
Today’s mobile advertising industry is growing exponentially. More devices mean more sales, which has marketers scrambling to make their apps and sites easier and more intuitive for consumers. (1,2)78%
Percentage of the U.S. population that owns a smartphone
Percentage of digital media time spent on mobile devices
Percentage of searches that originate from mobile
Percentage of time on mobile spent in apps
Average number of apps used — with five used regularly
Percentage of mobile campaigns used to drive direct sales
105 million
Number of U.S. adults who will use mobile coupons this year
3 seconds
Amount of time a consumer will take searching for an item or service through an app or mobile site — after this, conversion rates go down 20%
2016 trends (1, 3)
$40 billion was spent on mobile advertising in 2016.
15% of ad agencies ranked mobile as their first priority.
Wearable smart devices, like the Apple Watch, became increasingly popular, creating the need for simplified mobile advertising.
75% of Facebook video views were on mobile.
85% of the top 100 retailers were expected to develop location-based marketing.
Looking Toward 2017 and Beyond
The future of mobile marketing relies on making the mobile experience simpler for the average user. (1, 3)As many as 100 billion
Number of connected mobile devices worldwide by 2020
Some people are still hesitant to make purchases on their mobile phone. According to a recent survey:
15.6% say there are too many steps to complete a mobile purchase
38.9% say it is too hard to type on mobile
39.6% believe mobile sites are too difficult to navigate
40.9% have security concerns
49.6% say they are more comfortable purchasing on a laptop or desktop
Percentage of advertising intermediaries that will not exist in five years due to lack of efficiency in campaigning and customer engagement
2017 predictions
1. Mobile payments will rise and slowly take the place of credit cards.
2. Consumers will expect faster delivery times, possibly same-day delivery.
3. Bluetooth use will expand, perhaps used with mobile payments.
4. Digital assistants, like the Amazon Echo, will become more intuitive and widespread.
5. More apps and services will allow information and use sharing.
Tips for Mobile Marketers
Understand the individuals you serve.
Focus on engagement, and provide value with every interaction.
Remove all unnecessary steps to all mobile experiences.
Focus on services that make purchasing and media consumption easier.
Take advantage of new tech (like QR codes and beyond).
Build a mobile app, but don’t ignore PCs.
Make sure all your channels are optimized.
1. https://thedma.org
2. http://www.cio.com
3. http://www.mobilemarketer.com